Off-site SEO

Napoleon once said, “Those soldiers who are not willing to be a general are not a good soldier”. It is the same in the world of business. Everyone wants to be the leader of the market or at the very least, one of them. However, you notice that your competitors are better known in the market than you are, but the quality of your goods or services is better than competitors.

Have you ever wondered what your competitors do much better than you? How could it be that goods or services of less quality are more prominent members of the market? The answer is very simple. The competitors have done their work perfectly – off-site SEO. That’s why potential clients find them faster in Google Search. So, have you worked out the financial implications yet?

The truth is that potential customers don’t know anything about your company. What actions have you taken to promote your quality products or services? Maybe it’s the right time to invest in promoting your business?

Off-site SEO: what is it?

Off-site SEO is the ‘fame’ of your website or e-shop. Otherwise, it is the network of high-quality backlinks to your website on the internet. These backlinks are the recommendation based on authority and trust, which entices more and more clients and promotes buying directly from you.

Just think what human-being, professional, product or service you would recommend to others? You would only recommend those that you trust in. Google works on the same wavelength. Websites that have more high-quality backlinks, Google shows in higher Search Result Pages Positions (SERP). It’s important to emphasise backlinks quality over quantity. Therefore, interesting content with backlinks from websites of corresponding themes should be spread on the internet. That is the reason why quality is more important than simply putting as many backlinks as possible.

How off-site SEO works and what its advantages are.

You can compare off-site SEO with networking. Suppose you want to be a success in personal or business life. If that’s the case, it’s useful to have friends, acquaintances or colleagues who can contribute or cooperate in implementing your ideas or goals. Therefore it’s useful to have plenty of contacts. Then your network of people who can help will multiply again and again.

As in real-life, online business requires a similar approach. Instead of people, on the internet, their role is played by high-quality links to your website called backlinks. These backlinks should be shared in high ranking websites. Google classifies every website on the internet by checking if it fits its requirements. So, backlinks sharings in low-ranking websites could cause more damage instead of giving benefits.

If your website or e-shop has a lot of backlinks from high ranking websites, Google will understand its value and rank it on the Top positions of SERP. Then, when your potential clients enter a keyword in Google, he or she will find your website much faster. That means your business brand is going to be known better and your website will give you a higher income.

What steps need to be taken?

We need to say that off-site SEO should be done only after on-site SEO. Then, the competitors are being observed which also helps to decide:

  • What content needs to be created,
  • Which keywords need to be chosen,
  • Where backlinks should be put.

Then, articles with eye-catching images and backlinks need to be created. Articles for SEO have to be original, suit Google optimising rules, have keywords and links.

In the end, suitable websites, where articles with backlinks could be placed, are being searched for. We want to remind you again, that backlinks should be in websites with higher Domain Rate (DR) and Page Rate(PR). That’s what Google likes!

Why you should invest in off-site SEO.

Business owners or marketing directors always ask us this question, and we always have the perfect answer. Attractive text with a backlink to your target audience will help the website rank in the Google TOP positions. On top of this, your goods or services will be much more well known in the market. So, it is one of the best strategies you can apply if you want to grow your business and increase your sales.

What you should do now.

Please, contact us right now! We are ready to help you with SEO and to implement off-site SEO. So, are you ready to grow your business? Let’s grow it together!

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